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【Limited Stock】Shoulder Strap / ショルダーストラップ - 取外し可能

12,000 JPY

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[Our MTO is currently unavailable. Please contact us to inquire about the availability.] We are holding a Limited Stock Sale! More details about our Tote Bag: https://mailchi.mp/86f78503910c/kunei-mto-tote-bag-order-guide ******************* Kunei tote bags and inner bags are well known for being stylish, and practical at the same time. The elegant and durable shoulder strap can be paired with our Inner bag and Totebag. ******************* Length adjustment range: 85cm~ 125cm Country of origin: Japan ******************* Main Material: Tape: British Bridle Leather One of the finest leathers in the world. It is known for its strength and longevity, and subjected is water-resistant. Strap: Acrylic cotton The soft but durable cotton

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